
Deze pagina bevat een overzicht van Engelstalige artikelen en hoofdstukken, in chronologische volgorde.
Onder het tabblad Thema’s zijn alle publicaties geordend in een viertal thematische rubrieken: eenzaamheid, zingeving, weerbaarheid, en vrijwillige inzet.


Machielse A. (2024). ‘I’m a fighter and I do not give up’ – Socially isolated older adults’ experiences with meaning in life. Ageing and Society. Published online 2024:1-22. doi:10.1017/S0144686X23000764

Machielse, A. (2024). Meaning in Life and Social Connectedness. In: Duyndam, J., Machielse, A. (eds) Meaning and Aging. Studies in Humanism and Atheism. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


Meijer, J.E., Machielse, A., Smid, G. E., Schats, W., & Jong, M. C. (2023). The resilience of Jewish communities living in the diaspora: A scoping review. Frontiers in Psychology141215404.

Dangermond, K., Weewer, R., Duyndam, J., & Machielse, A. (2023). “The profession is just different”: Why noncareer and career firefighters have different experiences with critical incidents, and the role of informal peer support in processing them. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice54(2), 147. APAPsycNet


Machielse A. ‘She shouldn’t cross the line’: experiential effectivity of social guidance trajectories for socially isolated older adults with complex problems. Ageing and Society. 2022;42(7):1686-1709. doi:10.1017/S0144686X20001725

Wolfers, M. E., Stam, B. E., & Machielse, A. (2022). Correlates of emotional and social loneliness among community dwelling older adults in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Aging & Mental Health26(2), 355-367.

Beeris C, Niemeijer A, Machielse A. (2022). Count Your Life by Smiles and Tears: An Integrative Review on Resilience and Growing Older. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, 8. doi:10.1177/23337214221119050

Van der Schoor, Y., Duyndam, J., Witte, T., & Machielse, A. (2022). ‘What’s important to me is to get people moving.’Fostering social resilience in people with severe debt problems. European Journal of Social Work25(4), 592-604. 

Dangermond, K., Weewer, R., Duyndam, J., & Machielse, A. (2022). “If it stops, then I’ll start worrying.” Humor as part of the fire service culture, specifically as part of coping with critical incidents” HUMOR, vol. 35, 1, pp. 31-50.

Dangermond, K., Weewer, R., Duyndam, J., & Machielse, A. (2022). “The problem hasn’t changed, but you’re no longer left to deal with it on your own”–the role of informal peer support in helping firefighters cope with critical incidents. International Journal of Emergency Services11(2), 300-311. Download het artikel. 

Machielse, A., & Duyndam, J. (2021). Attuning to the needs of structural socially isolated older adults with complex problems: the experiences of social workers with personal guidance trajectories for a less‐researched group. Health & Social Care in the Community29(3), 800-808.


Hupkens, S., Goumans, M., Derkx, P., & Machielse, A. (2021). ‘Meaning in life? Make it as bearable, enjoyable and good as possible!’: A qualitative study among community‐dwelling aged adults who receive home nursing in the Netherlands. Health & Social Care in the Community29(1), 78-90.


Machielse, A., & Duyndam, J. (2020). Strategies of socially isolated older adults: Mechanisms of emergence and persistence. Journal of Aging Studies53, 100852.

Machielse, J. E. M., & van der Vaart, W. (2020). Improving social quality in housing complexes for older adults: professional support as a necessary condition. Journal of Aging and Environment34(4), 375-388.

Hupkens, S., Goumans, M., Derkx, P., & Machielse, A. (2020). Nurse’s attunement to patient’s meaning in life-a qualitative study of experiences of Dutch adults ageing in place. BMC nursing 19(41)19, 1-13.

Derkx, P., Bos, P., Laceulle, H., & Machielse, A. (2020). Meaning in life and the experience of older people. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life14(1), 37-66.


Duppen Rn, D., Machielse, A., Verté Rn, D., Dury, S., De Donder, L., & Consortium, D. S. (2019). Meaning in Life for Socially Frail Older Adults. Journal of Community Health Nursing36(2), 65–77.

Hupkens, S., Goumans, M., Derkx, P., Oldersma, A., Schutter, T., & Machielse, A. (2019). Meaning in life of older adults in daily care: A qualitative analysis of participant observations of home nursing visits. Journal of Advanced Nursing75(8), 1732-1740.

Geerlings, R. P. J., Gottmer-Welschen, L. M. C., Machielse, J. E. M., De Louw, A. J. A., & Aldenkamp, A. P. (2019). Failed transition to independence in young adults with epilepsy: The role of loneliness. Seizure69, 207-212.


Hupkens S, Machielse A, Goumans M, Derkx P. Meaning in life of older persons: An integrative literature review. Nursing Ethics. 2018;25(8):973-991. doi:10.1177/0969733016680122.


Machielse, A. (2015). The Heterogeneity of Socially Isolated Older Adults: A Social Isolation Typology. Journal of Gerontological Social Work58(4), 338–356.


Hortulanus, R., Machielse, A., & Meeuwesen, L. (2006). Social Isolation in Modern Society  New York: Routledge.
Hoofdstukken in dit boek:

  • Hortulanus, R., & Machielse, A. The issue of social isolation (pp. 3-12).
  • Machielse, A.  Theories on social contacts and social isolation (pp. 13-26).
  • Machielse, A. Social isolation: formal and informal support (pp. 115-136).
  • Machielse, A. Social isolation in city and countryside (pp. 179-200).
  • Meeuwesen, L., Machielse, A., & Hortulanus, R. Research on social isolation into perspective (pp. 233-245).
  • Hortulanus, R., & Machielse, A. (2006). The issue of social isolation (pp. 3-12).


Meeuwesen, L., Hortulanus, R., & Machielse, A. (2001). Social contacts and social isolation: A typology. The Netherlands journal of social sciences37(2), 132-154.